Support Us

There are many different ways to support the work of the Johann Sebastian Bach Foundation. We appreciate any donation to support our projects.

If you would like to support us financially, the following options are possible:


A donation will be used for any of our current projects.

Designated donation

Your designated donation will go towards your project of choice. Please indicate your decision clearly on the bank transfer form.

Endowment contribution

Your endowment contribution will become part of the funds of the Johann Sebastian Bach Foundation and will not be used to sponsor any projects. The interest income of these funds will be used to support our projects in accordance with the articles of the foundation. Your endowment hereby helps to increase the yearly money fund for our projects. If you wish to donate this way, please note “Zustiftung” on your transfer form.

Please use the following bank account:

Recipient: Johann Sebastian Bach Foundation
IBAN: DE32 3506 0190 1800 1870 24
Bank für Kirche und Diakonie eG – KD-Bank

Intended purpose:
– Donation, Designated Donation (please state the project you wish to support) or Endowment Contribution
– Your name and address (for your donation certificate)

You will receive a donation receipt in all cases.